Gaomi Nanyang Food Co., Ltd., 
鲁ICP备12014606号-1    |  powerd

Nanyang crispy wing root

Profile information:
Chicken wings contain a lot of collagen and elastin, which can strengthen blood vessels and skin, and are effective for blood vessels, skin and internal organs. Wings contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, growth, epithelial tissue and bone development, and the growth and development of the fetus. The general population can eat it in all seasons.
basic information
Conditioning processing

Chicken wings contain a lot of collagen and elastin, which can strengthen blood vessels and skin, and are effective for blood vessels, skin and internal organs. Wings contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, growth, epithelial tissue and bone development, and the growth and development of the fetus. The general population can eat it in all seasons.
Production steps
1. Wash the wing roots, make a few knives in the thick meaty area, add green onion and ginger, mix in salt, cooking wine, and pepper, and marinate for 1 hour.
2. Take out the marinated wing roots and put them in flour, and coat them with flour evenly.
3. Put a layer of egg liquid in the beaten egg.
4. Then coat it with breadcrumbs evenly. [1] 
5. Wrap them one by one and put them on the plate.
6. Flip gently and fry until the surface is golden and cooked.

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Release time:
2021-11-13 19:16
高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价征求意见稿公示
高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价征求意见稿公示

高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价征求意见稿公示

Release time:
2021-11-13 19:05
高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价第一次信息公示
高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价第一次信息公示

高密市福乔养殖有限公司第四养殖场项目 环境影响评价第一次信息公示

Release time:
2021-11-13 19:00
高密南洋养殖有限公司第二养殖场项目 环境影响评价征求意见稿公示
高密南洋养殖有限公司第二养殖场项目  环境影响评价征求意见稿公示

高密南洋养殖有限公司第二养殖场项目 环境影响评价征求意见稿公示

Release time:
2021-11-13 15:41